Advancements The New Horizons in oncology Cancer Therapy
It is a great delight and prestige to extend to you a warm invitation to attend the 2nd International European Conference on Oncology Cancer Therapy, to be held September 07 -08, 2020 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. We cordially welcome all the prominent researchers, students and delegates to take part in this forthcoming conference to witness precious scientific discussions and contribute to the future reformation in the field of Cancer. Oncology -2020 will be sorted out around the theme” New Challenges and Latest Developments in Understanding New Horizons in Oncology" 2nd International European Conference on Oncology Cancer Therapy directs towards the main issues as well as future strategies of Oncology. This is going to be the largest and most promising international conference bridging the gaps between the intellectuals from across the globe to enlighten their research and findings at 2nd International European Conference on Oncology Cancer Therapy.
European Journal of Clinical Oncology Cancer poses a major challenge to development; it undermines socio-economic advances throughout the world. It is estimated that the number of patients with cancer would increase from 12.7 million in the year 2008 to 22.2 million by 2030. It is universally agreed that the condition is reaching epidemic proportions. At this time, the European Journal of Clinical Oncology is conveniently placed in the scholarly communication milieu to help counter the menace of cancer by aiding the development of novel treatment strategies, by providing novel insights into the mechanisms underlying this complex disease.
European Journal of Clinical Oncology publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, review articles, short communications, expert opinions, commentaries and letters/editorials based on open access policy. Author(s) are invited to submit their manuscripts as an e-mail attachment for fast and efficient processing. Aims & scope of the journal, key words, indexing as well as bibliographic information can be accessed at
John Robert
Managing Editor
European Journal of Clinical Oncology
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