Advances in Dental Materials

The dental sciences started in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago, using valuable materials such as gold for restorations. Around the time new technologies were being used as new forms of treatment emerged in dentistry. Additionally, emerging innovations help dentists develop innovative methods for diagnosis. Rigid polymers, elastomers, metals, alloys, ceramics, inorganic salts and composite materials are commonly used within a variety of dental materials
Dental materials are known as the foundation of both oral and dental scientific developments. In addition, as a first step before industrial use, computational simulation and stress analysis of the restorative components, prosthesis, and modern dental techniques are used.
Latest studies have indicated that Poly-Ether-Ether-Ketone (PEEK) for Titanium dental implants is an alternative source. PEEK is a biocompatible composite with Young's 3.6GPa assembly that can be modified by strengthening it with "CFR-PEEK" carbon fibers, to achieve 18GPa, equivalent to that of cortical bone.
Enamel, dentin and cementum as dental hard tissues are naturally composed of nanoscale structural units, and their mechanical properties may vary from one point to the other. With the start of nanotechnology era, improvements in existing materials’ properties and development of new materials appeared in new products.
JDRP is an open access peer review journal who publishes different types of articles related to the field of dental or tooth problems, its cure, diagnosis and treatment. People who are interested in submitting their article can go through the URL link