Antibiotic molecule HIV infected cells can be destroyed by the immune system

Researchers have been looking for ways to outsmart the lethal virus since the first cases of a mystery illness erupted into the HIV / AIDS pandemic in the early 1980's. Today, due to antiretroviral treatment, people living with HIV are able to enjoy a relatively normal lifespan — as long as they take their medicines every day. The explanation is that, lying dormant and ready to emerge at any moment, HIV can hide within the human genome. Because of this, a true cure for HIV depends on waking up and removing the latent virus before it has a chance to take hold of the cells of the body again, an method known as shock and kill. HIV is an insidious virus with extraordinary expertise for survival. It targets the CD4 cells of the human immune system, a significant player in the body's defence against pathogens. While drugs have been developed that suppress the virus, it is still able to hide in the genome, ready to emerge at any time and cause illness. If a case of HIV is to be fully healed, it must kill certain latent viral reservoirs. Otherwise, patients with HIV must continue to take medicines which keep the virus at bay. Analysis found decades ago that HIV can use a protein called Nef to interact with a cell-surface protein called MHC-1, which usually informs the immune system that a pathogen is contaminated with a cell and must be destroyed. Nef disables MHC-1, and it can keep dividing infected cells. First, they looked for a drug that could target Nef and was already approved. This would theoretically restore the normal action of MHC-1, and the immune system could then use cytotoxic T lymphocytes as it normally would to identify and destroy cells infected with HIV. The cell uses a lysosome called organelle to break down damaged or unwanted sections. One pleicomacrolide, concanamycin A, will inhibit Nef if used at the right dosage, without inhibiting the lysosome. In a model of cell culture, after exposure to concanamycin A, HIV-infected cells which express Nef were eliminated by cytotoxic T cells. This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and their medicinal treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this