Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HIV/AIDS

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to human intelligence simulation of machines which are programmed to think like humans and imitate their behavior. The word can also refer to any computer that demonstrates human mind-related characteristics such as learning and problem-solving. In the 1950s, the Minsky and McCarthy field fathers defined artificial intelligence as any task performed by a program or computer that, if a human performed the same action, we would say the human had to apply intelligence to accomplish that task. Usually, AI systems can show at least some of the following human intelligence-related behaviors: planning, learning, thinking, problem solving, and representation of information, perception, motion, and manipulation and, to a lesser degree, social intelligence and creativeness. Neural networks are essential to the machine-learning process. These are brain-inspired networks of interconnected algorithm layers, called neurons, which feed data into each other, and can be conditioned to perform specific tasks by altering the importance assigned to input data as it passes between layers. Tenovir is a popular medication which is used as part of HIV treatment regimes. The side effects include fatigue, liver disorders and inflammation in the renal system. The recommended dose for this compound is currently 300 mg, but a recent international team has used artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a safe lower dose dosage for ten HIV patients. The AI analyzed the effect these doses would have on the virus. The AI estimated a generic care plan unique to those 10 patients using this data (see below). Compared to the WHO recommendations, this method decreased Tenovir's dose by a third. The 10 patients were taking 144 weeks of the medication prescribed by the AI. The 10 patients were taking 144 weeks of the medication prescribed by the AI. No major side effects have been documented, and all 10 have successfully completed the course of treatment. This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and their medicinal treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this