Chopped: The Salad Competiton Dietary Behaviors: Health Research

Journal of Health and Medical Research has published an article entitled “Chopped: The Salad Competiton Dietary Behaviors of Urban CollegeStudents” in its volume 1 Issue 3 written by Michele Montecalvo, Alexis L Holder, Rahim McNeilly, Marianne Ellis.
The article explains about the measure the dietary behaviors of urban college students 18 to 25, with an evaluation of anutritional intervention “Chopped: The Salad Competition” by the American Heart Association. A convenience sample of 100 students engaged in an intervention and evaluation was used. Our sample reported 92.8% had a shift in eating habits since attending college. Notably, 80.7% reportedan interest in changing their diets was the result observed. In conclusion College can be a stressful transition for all students, interventions to guide healthy choices forcollege students should include peer health educators, engaging activities, and create an ongoing atmosphere forsupporting continued healthy choices.
The American Heart Association promotes that an effectiveway to prevent cardiovascular diseases is by eating a healthy,low-calorie, nutrient-rich diet, low sugar diet consisting ofvegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products,poultry, fish, legumes, nuts and non-tropical vegetable oils[1]. For college students, maintaining a “healthy” diet is notas easy as it may sound. The average college student,especially those who have a demanding schedule, have tobalance a limited budget and schedule which can represent acrucial factor in their food choices [2]. A significant factor incollege students maintaining a nutritious diet is theirwillingness to try new and healthier food options [3].According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention[4], Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the number onecause of death in the United States [4], on averagecardiovascular disease prevalence costs the United Statesabout $200 billion a year. As reported by the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention, 630,000+ of Americandeaths each year are due to cardiovascular diseases.
For theHispanic, Black and White demographics in the UnitedStates, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death;in the other race and ethnicity groups, heart diseases are onlysecond to cancer as the leading cause of death as reported bythe CDC. Cardiovascular diseases are caused by a multitudeof factors; some factors are uncontrollable such as age,accessibility to quality medical care, and family genetics, butthere are other factors of poor eating habits and nutrition,smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity,and more.The Health for Life program is a “community-based nutritionand wellbeing program created by Aramark and the AmericanHeart Association (AHA) that focuses on empowering peopleto make healthy food, nutrition and lifestyle choices” [1].
With 53.6% reporting, no breakfast consumption and thefrequency of at least two meals per day at 59.5%; the limitedamount of reported food consumed versus caloric intake couldbe a future level of research to be more deeply examined. Ourresearchers were concerned with our demographic level oflower socio-economic-status reported as 42.27% of ourpopulation had resources to purchase food. With the growth ofcollege food pantries, our researchers are interested inexploring this area more deeply.Future interventions could make note of accessibility fornutritional counseling on campus. Direct resources imbeddedwithin future interventions could access the campus wellnesscenter to ensure accuracy.
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