Evaluation of Serum Insulin Level as a Marker of Insulin Resistance | Health Research

Journal of Health and Medical Research has recently launched its volume 1 and the article entitled “Evaluation of Serum Insulin Level as a Marker of Insulin Resistance in Obese with and without Diabetes Type-2” was written by one of its editors Dutta S and Sanjay Bhatt S for its inaugural issue.
The article explains about
Introduction: Insulin resistance is the greatest risk factor for development of obesity and Type-2 DM. Euglycemia with increased insulin level is one of the salient features in insulin resistance. Techniques for assessment of insulin resistance by HOMA, QUICKI are very tedious, expensive and time-consuming as reported in various researches. On the contrary, estimation of fasting serum insulin is a very easy tool to measure the presence and progression of Insulin resistance but this methodology is not widely explored.
Aim and objective: To measure level of serum insulin in obese persons with and without Diabetes in comparison to normal non-obese non-diabetic controls for determination of Insulin resistance.
Material and methods: This observational case-control study was done in SRMS IMS, Bareilly. A total 60 obese subjects with or without Diabetes as per WHO criteria were chosen from OPD of Medicine Department. They were divided into two groups. Group I consisted of 30 patients without Diabetes and Group II consisted of 30 with Diabetes. They were compared with 30 non-obese non-diabetic controls. Fasting Plasma Sugar and Fasting Serum Insulin were analyzed in all subjects by GOD-POD and ELISA method respectively.
Results: Serum Insulin level in obese persons with Diabetes (Group I) was 38.9+15.29 IU/L and in obese without Diabetes (Group II) was 54.67+24.41 IU/L. There was significant difference between two groups (p=0.002). The level in normal controls (21.11+6.10 IU/L) was also statistically significant (p=0.000) as compared to both the study groups.
Conclusion: Serum insulin level estimation has not only a diagnostic importance but it also has a prognostic and therapeutic importance to prevent high risk population from future disease development and its complication.
For conclusion, It is evident from our study that the level of serum insulin is lowering in obese with diabetic people than obese without diabetes. As the incidence of obesity and pre-diabetic population is growing very rapidly, it is very significant to estimate the status of insulin resistance (by measuring serum insulin level) in this population group so that effective preventive measures can be initiated at very early stage.
So, this study will help us in future to guide more and more patients and their physicians to correlate between obesity and diabetes.
For more info regarding the article follow: https://www.lexispublisher.com/articles/evaluation-of-serum-insulin-level-as-a-marker-of-insulin-resistance-in-obese-with-and-without-diabetes-type2-44319.html
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Journal of Health and Medical Research
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