HIV / AIDS and Environment

In many rural areas of developed countries, local natural resources are an important means of livelihood and income production. Local environment health can also in at least two ways shape individual vulnerability to HIV / AIDS. The age profile of people who die from AIDS shapes the effects of the pandemic at home level. In developing countries, AIDS deaths are concentrated in prime working ages — especially the age group of 25 to 45—and the loss of a productive member of the household can be particularly devastating to households already living in poverty. HIV / AIDS often affects the utilization of the surrounding community by individuals as it deprives families of the jobs performed by members of the household who are affected or who suffer from the disease. Labor shortages are also compounded by the fact that carers are pulled away from traditional household responsibilities. These different constraints may shape decisions about land resource utilization, a key component of rural livelihoods in many developing regions. Evidence of such associations was shown in a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) tri-country study which found that agricultural productivity declined in households affected by AIDS. Poor nutrition means that people whose immune systems are damaged by HIV are more likely to get infections. Increasing numbers of AIDS orphans means traditional knowledge about land and livestock management may not be passed on. Additional timber is used for coffins, and research suggests that poor families are more likely to use firewood for cooking. Mourning rituals in much of rural Africa require that fires be kept burning for up to five days. HIV/AIDS needs to be addressed on all fronts, ranging from awareness, prevention, treatment and wellness, to staff housing, work assignments and training, to working with local communities on CBNRM, design of conservation programs and activities, and land policy initiatives. Undertake an assessment of existing and likely future impacts, and develop a strategy for action. This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and their medicinal treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this link