HIV testing itself and the global presence of undiagnosed persons

HIV self-testing (HIVST) has grown rapidly in recent years and is now considered to be a modern and vital tool for managing the epidemic. Self-testing for HIV involves collection of saliva or a finger stick blood sample by an individual, either in a supervised or unsupervised setting, for analysis by a laboratory or, more recently, for analysis by the user – much like a home pregnancy test. In general, individuals complete testing with little or no training. A study in Seattle, WA, USA, randomized MSM to access to self-tests versus standard clinical tests and followed participants for a median of 10 months.A recent editorial noted that the last big shared challenge remains testing — the number of undiagnosed HIV infections remains a significant barrier to achieving UNAIDS goals and ending AIDS by 2030, in each region. Reaching the remaining undiagnosed individuals with flat-line donor support would entail new initiatives following 18 years of comprehensive public health programs for HIV testing across a multitude of modalities in populations and facilities. Several analyses have explored the acceptability of rapid self-testing in the emergency department, which is an significant field for assessing alternatives for HIV testing as emergency rooms draw large numbers of high-risk patients who often do not have access to routine primary care or other screening opportunities.This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and its treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our Journal for publication through this link