HIV-1 Neutralization Tiers

HIV-1 isolates are also classified using 'rank' phenotype neutralization. Tier classification has significant implications for controlling and understanding vaccine-induced responses to neutralizing antibodies. Identifying HIV-1 vaccines which generate broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) will require reliable information on the ability of vaccine-induced antibodies to neutralize various virus strains. Tier 1A is the most sensitive neutralization phenotype and represents a very minor fraction of circulating strains. Tier 1B is the next most sensitive and represents a larger but still relatively small fraction of circulating strains. For several years, T-cell line-adapted strains were the primary source of vaccine immunogens and were highly susceptible to neutralization by the antibodies they induced to generate early interest in the field. Natural variability in transition time affects the virus' neutralization phenotype, where Env trimers that spend more time in a closed conformation show a phenotype of tier 2 while those that spend more time in open conformation show a phenotype of tier 1. A new neutralization potency score utilizes this variation to quantitatively compare serum antibody responses and monoclonal antibodies. This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and its treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our Journal for publication through this link