HIV/AIDS and Covid-19

In March 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlighted people living with HIV (PLWH) as a demographic that could be at increased risk of serious physical illness from the new coronavirus disease known as COVID-19 compared with the general population. This risk in PLWH is predicated on potential interactions between COVID-19, HIV, and other risk factors for COVID-19 complications such as diabetes and hypertension prevalent in PLWH, potential care and treatment intervention, and high rates of socially-produced burdens in the form of abuse, stigma, bigotry, alienation, and hate faced by PLWH. The human rights and dignity of people affected by COVID-19 must be protected by governments. The lessons gained from the HIV epidemic can be used to tackle COVID-19. Governments, as in the AIDS response, should collaborate with communities to find local solutions. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, main communities must not bear the brunt of heightened stigma and prejudice. Efficient antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been extending PLWH’s lifespan. 1.2 million People live with HIV in the US. Of these, over 50 percent are 50 + years of age, and many physical problems have emerged linked to long-term use of ART and ageing. PLWH require regular engagement with the healthcare system to maintain viral suppression, which provides optimal clinical benefits and drastic reductions in HIV transmission. Implementation of RT and effective adherence have enhanced long-term health results among PLWH but are vulnerable if care interruptions occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The physical distancing imposed by several states and communities inhibits relationships with health care providers, access to drugs, and adherence. It should also be noted that antiretroviral therapies in the form of either ART for PLWH or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) can provide some defence against COVID-19. This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and their medicinal treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this