Immunopathology is one's immune system reaction. Symptoms of immunopathology are unique to a patient and can include: fatigue, muscle weakness, rash, headache, photosensitivity, pain anywhere, numbness, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, ringing in the ears, toothache, sinus congestion, nasal stuffiness, fever/chills, flu-like bodyache, cough, irritability, depression, sleep disturbances and “brain fog.”
Immunopathology (often abbreviated to IP) is what patients experience when they fight an infection. In the context of the Marshall Protocol, immunopathology refers to an increase in one's present symptoms of inflammation, or a return of previous inflammatory symptoms. This is caused by cytokines and endotoxins being released from dying bacteria. Occasionally, immunopathology will consist of a new symptom or abnormal lab value due to the occurrence of subclinical inflammation that has been revealed by the Marshall Protocol (MP). Immunopathology is a necessary part of recovery for most patients. The amount of immunopathology a patient experiences on the Marshall Protocol (MP) is correlated with disease severity. Patients who are less sick will have comparatively less strong immunopathology.
Any symptom, including abnormal lab results, that correlates with MP therapy is most likely due to immunopathology. Patients who are less sick will have comparatively less strong immunopathology. The increase in symptoms due to immunopathology typically begins 1-24 hours after the minocycline dose and usually dissipates 12-24 hours before the next antibiotic dose. Many patients find that the reaction is strongest on the second day.
As opposed to the disease itself, which progresses over the course of decades, immunopathology symptoms usually flare quickly. However, dramatic waxing and waning of immunopathology does not always happen. An increase in symptoms may be constant.
Symptoms: The MP can't create new inflammation because it can't make bacteria appear where there weren't any before. The presence of new symptoms is a clear indication that bacteria are being targeted in areas of the body not known to be infected. In the absence of undergoing some kind of curative therapy like the MP, it seems probable that these sites of sub-clinical infection would in time be part of the disease process.
If extra Benicar reduces a symptom, one can be sure it is due to immunopathology. But, lack of response to Benicar does not rule out immunopathology. Palliative medication may reduce symptoms of immunopathology also.
In all vertebrates, there are two different kinds of immune responses: Innate and Adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is used to fight off non-changing antigens and is therefore considered nonspecific. The second form of immunity is Adaptive immunity. This form of immunity requires recognition of the foreign antigen before a response is produced. Once the antigen is recognized, a specific response is produced in order to destroy the specific antigen.
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Liza Parker
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Journal of Infectious Diseases and Diagnosis
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