Journal of Health and Medical Research has inviting eminent professors to join Editorial Board

Journal of Health and Medical Research is a newly launched Journal disseminating by the Lexis publisher to emphasize the scientific works within the field of Health and Medical Sciences. Journal of Health and Medical Research publishes articles covering wide range of disciplines including Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology focused on developing effective medicines, efficient procedures dealing both preclinical aspects like molecular and cellular research, in vitro and animal model studies as well as clinical trials. Health research topics relating to disease prevalence, risk factors, public health intervention outcomes as well as healthcare economics and medical research topics including etiology of disease, prognosis, management and treatment, functional aspects of human physiology, mechanisms of health improvement and reduction in the burden of disease are covered in this journal.
Journal was inviting the esteemed professors to join the editorial board to serve as an editor to the journal. Interested people can also be as an editor in chief of the journal.
The roles & responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief includes:
- Advice to editorial office on the quality of manuscripts for publication in.
- Contribute at least one editorial/review/ research manuscript for publication in ---- in each year.
- Propose new Editorial board members/Reviewers from whom you will get timely response for regular manuscripts editorial tracking.
- Invite colleagues to submit manuscripts.
- Organize Editorial board meetings at Respective OMICS Group conferences* or other suitable venue.
All the editors will work under the editor in chief. Editors roles includes:
- If required Editor may provide the necessary guidelines and dictate the process of submission to the author.
- Editor should not reveal any information regarding the author, reviewer or the article information to anyone, complete confidentiality maintenance is mandatory.
- Providing the final judgment on the articles assigned within the allotted time with proper reason and clarification should be done by the Editor.
- Once the assigned Editor is notified by the Editorial Office regarding any information at any stage of the publication process for an assigned manuscript, the Editor should respond as early as possible.
- Along with the publisher, the Editorial Board members are responsible for timely publication of the accepted articles.
- Editor should be responsible for a fast and transparent peer-review process, if required Editor may take support from the Editorial Office.
Benefits of being an editor includes free publication of a paper in our journal. We very much hope you will accept. If so, you can send your CV/ Resume with a recent photograph to us.
Anyone interested indicate your willingness to serve on the journal editorial board by sending an acceptance letter along with your C.V. including list of publications, biography (150 words) and research interest.
Media Contact:
Sana George
Managing Editor
Journal of Health and Medical Research
Whatsapp: +1-504-608-2390
Linkedin: Sana George
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