Nanoparticles use for HIV-AIDS detection and treatment


In healthcare research activities, various nanotechnologies discuss the diagnosis and fight against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Nanotechnology provides a rare opportunity to integrate and enhance various antiretroviral drug pharmacological profiles with more convenient drug administration and probably improved adherence to HIV therapy for patients. In developing countries, where the so-called 'big three' diseases (HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis) are responsible for millions of deaths, this may also be a major part of the advantages that result from nanotechnology. Over nearly 30 years of research, a cure for HIV/AIDS has been elusive. Early therapies focused on antiretroviral drugs that were only to a certain degree successful. However it was the emergence in the mid-1990s of a class of drugs known as protease inhibitors and the advent of triple-drug therapy that revolutionized the treatment of HIV/AIDS. This marked the beginning of the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) era, in which a mixture of three or more separate drug groups was administered concurrently. HIV is present in infected patients' mononuclear phagocytic cells, so liposomes are appropriate carriers for targeting the infected cells with anti-HIV drugs. Liposomes can thus increase the effectiveness of anti-HIV drugs and decrease their side effects. To enhance the formulation and efficacy of drugs with physico-chemical disadvantages such as low stability and solubility, nanoparticles are also being examined. Increasingly, they are being investigated for targeted delivery of ARVs to HIV-infected cells and to achieve sustained kinetics of drug release. Through this review, we can understand about the aids transmission and development. Our main aim is to draws readers' attention to the latest advances in HIV research in the fields of prevention, care and cure. The peoples who are interested to publish their article they can submit their manuscripts in our journal through given link: