Neuropathogenesis of HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 neuropathogenesis can be divided into three main components: I the entry of viruses into the nervous system; (ii) the function of viral proteins and/or cell products in neural tissue damage; and (iii) neuronal injury / death mechanisms. Infection of brain astrocytes with HIV-1, restricted to the expression of regulatory gene products, may cause astrocyte dysfunction and may lead to neuronal injury or blood-brain barrier disruption (BBB). Cerebrospinal fluid and post-mortem tissue studies reveal chronic inflammation / immune activation in the nervous system during the later stages of HIV-1 infection associated with BBB integrity disruption. Blood-brain barrier damage may underlie the white matter pallor described in HIV-1 infection and could result in further entry into the CNS of toxic viral or cellular products, or additional HIV-1 infected cells. The HIV infected and activated macrophages/microglia produce excessive amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha, and platelet activating factor. Glycoprotein, gp 120 can induce release of toxic factors from brain macrophages by the HIV-1 envelope. Blocking glutamate receptors with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA; or AMPA) will antagonize candidate toxins of both viral and cellular origin. It was postulated that (weak) excitotoxicity in the neurons contributes to oxidative stress and eventually to apoptosis. Neuronal apoptosis occurs in the brains of both HIV-1 infected children and adults. This understanding of HIV neuropathogenesis implies that therapeutic strategies should include: I anti-retroviral drugs to reduce systemic and CNS virus load and possibly prevent perinatal HIV transmission; (ii) anti-inflammatory compounds to decrease chronic microglial immune activation and restore BBB integrity and (iii) neuroprotective compounds to reduce neuronal injury and apoptotic death.. This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and their medicinal treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this link