New HIV vaccine could identify and destroy latent virus

Antiretroviral therapy may quickly become ineffective, as scientists have successfully used immune cells to push and kill the latent form of HIV from its hiding spot. The findings could quickly lead to a vaccine against HIV.
With the help of antiretroviral therapy, over half of these people now have a very low level of the virus. This means that they can no longer trasmit it to other people.
Antiretroviral therapy can keep HIV in check so well that the virus is near-undetectable in the blood. The principal site of the attack is the immune system, in particular the CD4 T-lymphocytes (CD4 cells). The virus, once infected, slowly and quietly overwhelms the protective mechanisms of the body, resulting in opportunistic infections and cancers which are otherwise uncommon. Activated and segregated CD4 cells play a crucial function in cell-mediated and humoral immune system development.
Antiretroviral therapy can undergo a host of side effects. Those can include stomach issues, respiratory disorders, insulin tolerance, and cases of bleeding, as well as effects on bone structure, liver function, and mental and psychological wellbeing. The researchers also isolated another type of immune cell called dendritic cells. Mailliard describes these cells using a sports analogy; they are the “quarterbacks” of the immune system, he says, as “they hand off the ball and dictate the plays, telling other immune cells where to go and what to fight.”
Currently still doctors are working on a preventive HIV vaccine. While any vaccines are yet to be licensed by the FDA, clinical trials are underway. Researchers also focus on preventive vaccines to improve an individual's immune response while he or she has HIV. An additional 30,000 people around the world have engaged in preventive HIV vaccine trials according to the National Institutes of Health.
It is suitable for adults, as well as for adolescents who have a high risk of HIV and weigh over 35 kilograms (kg). No trials have taken place to study the effects of this formulation on pregnant women. However, the FDA advise that women can use it during pregnancy if they discuss it with a doctor first.
This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and their medicinal treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this link