Priorities for the development of optimal HIV drugs in Current time and future

The Global Antiretroviral (ARV) optimization project initially focused on increasing global access to key ARV drugs available at the time by lowering costs and simplifying manufacturing processes, seeking to achieve rapid reduction in HIV mortality, life survival and AID progression prevention, and the risk of transmission of HIV in the local region. With the emerging science of HIV treatment in the last decade, new measures have been taken to ensure a shift to new drugs and formulations with improved efficacy, lower toxicity, fewer contraindications and higher resilience against drug resistance, to reduce the need to turn to more complicated and expensive schemes and also to reduce the risk of HIV transmission at population level. Future optimisation of ARV must shift to include new groups of drugs, emerging developments in process chemistry and formulations, and emerging therapeutic approaches. This review tells about the future scope of the new drugs invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and its treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this link