Recommendations for Multicentre Clinical Trials Involving Dosimetry for Molecular Radiotherapy
Multicentre clinical trials involving a dosimetry component are becoming more prevalent in molecular radiotherapy and are essential to generate the evidence to support individualised approaches to treatment planning and to ensure that sufficient patients are recruited to achieve the statistical significance required. Quality assurance programmes should be considered to support the standardisation required to achieve meaningful results. Trials should be designed to ensure that dosimetry results from image acquisition systems across centres are comparable by incorporating steps to standardise the methodologies used for the quantification of images and dosimetry. Furthermore, it is essential to assess the expertise and resources available at each participating site prior to trial commencement. A quality assurance plan should be drawn up and training provided if necessary. Standardisation of quantification and dosimetry methodologies used in a trial are essential to ensure that results from different centres may be collated. In addition, appropriate uncertainty analysis should be carried out to correct for differences in methodologies between centres. Recommendations are provided to support dosimetry studies based on the experience of several previous and ongoing multicentre trials.
European Journal of Clinical Oncology Cancer poses a major challenge to development; it undermines socio-economic advances throughout the world. It is estimated that the number of patients with cancer would increase from 12.7 million in the year 2008 to 22.2 million by 2030. It is universally agreed that the condition is reaching epidemic proportions. At this time, the European Journal of Clinical Oncology is conveniently placed in the scholarly communication milieu to help counter the menace of cancer by aiding the development of novel treatment strategies, by providing novel insights into the mechanisms underlying this complex disease.
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