Universal access to the prevention, diagnosis and care of HIV / AIDS

Universal Access is the new global paradigm for tackling HIV; intended to mean 'scaling up HIV prevention, diagnosis, care and support with the aim of moving as close as possible to the objective of equitable access to diagnosis for all those who need it. Countries that struggled in their early response to HIV, such as China, Russia, and South Africa, are those where racism, systemic discrimination, and lack of access and participation by affected populations increased the risk of HIV infection. The first global AIDS policy initiated by WHO in 1987 demonstrated the vital value of a supportive atmosphere for successful prevention and reduction of impacts, and the need for mechanisms and programs to meet the needs of vulnerable communities. Strongly based on information, education, access to care and the development of a welcoming atmosphere, attention to human rights was primarily rooted in the realistic awareness of human rights abuses in relation to HIV occurred around the world, including forced testing and imprisonment of vulnerable people, abuse within families and denial of inheritance by communities. At that time, the outcomes of vigorous lobbying by civil society, the WHO, and then UNAIDS, have increasingly integrated human rights standards and values into global and national HIV strategies and plans. The key components of a rights-based approach to HIV programming include: reviewing the legal and policy context in which programs take place; consistently incorporating basic human rights values into policy and programmatic responses, such as non-discrimination, participation, core components of the right to health. A robust multisectoral response to HIV will result from strengthened actions of individual sectors all working in synergy towards common priorities. WHO's goal is to ensure that the health sector response to HIV, which is at the core of the multisectoral response, is strong and builds on synergies with other sectors, and is well integrated into the health system and national health strategies. This review tells about the future scope of the new invention towards the field of HIV /AIDS and their medicinal treatment. People who are interested can send their article towards our journal for publication through this https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/hiv-aids-research.html