What Are the Steps to Creating a Nursing Care Plan for Dementia Patients?

Journal of Clinical Nursing and Practice has announced almost 50 percent discount on article processing charge to commemorate its Anniversary. Journal of Clinical Nursing and Practice aims to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to nursing. The open access journal is published by the Lexis Group comprising of Lexis Academy and Lexis Press, has come a long way in publishing sector.
It gives us great pleasure to announce the call for paper on the occasion of Anniversary of the Journal at special and hefty discount of up to 50 percent on one-time article processing charge. Prospective academicians and scientists are encouraged to utilize this opportunity to get their articles reviewed, processed and published at relatively faster pace and at lower charges.
According to the journal Health Affairs, one-ninth of the population over the age of 65 and one-third of the population over the age of 85 suffers from Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. Because of the broad impact of the disease in the elderly community, health care professionals need to be prepared to deal with the needs of patients with this illness. Along with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia affects a significant number of older adults.
Caring for dementia patients can be challenging for nursing professionals. If patients see multiple nurses during their stay at an institution, then a detailed nursing care plan for dementia is a necessity. The steps in developing a dementia care plan include the following:
Discussing the situation. NPs should discuss the changes patients are going through with them or their loved ones and understand how patients feel about their circumstances.
â— Developing a team. The team comprises not only nurses but also any individuals in the family who may be responsible for the patient’s care. Having everyone on the same page is important to ensure that the patient gets the care needed.
â— Determining the patient’s needs. Each patient is different and has specific needs. NPs should understand a patient’s history and diagnosis to develop a plan suited to the needs of the patient.
â— Creating the plan. NPs can use the information gathered in the previous steps to design a care plan that caretakers will follow. This plan will outline what was discovered and include individual notes for the specifics of each patient.
Journal accepts original manuscripts in the form of research articles, review articles, Clinical reviews, commentaries, case reports, perspectives and short communications encompassing all aspects of clinical nursing and practice for publication in open access platform. All the manuscript published are available freely online immediately after publication without any subscription charges or registration. Those who are interested to submit the editorials or their commentaries can submit at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/european-clinical-oncology.html or you can mail through this mail id as an attachments nursingpract@peerjournal.org, nursing@peerjournal.org
Emily Wilson
Managing Editor
Journal of Clinical Nursing and Practice
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